Daily Archives: April 7, 2016

Do Women Get Over a Breakup Faster? 1

Get over a breakup

I’m so excited to share this weeks video with you because I had the opportunity to try something new  🙂  I had a viewer write in with a really interesting question around how to get over a breakup and I couldn’t wait to tackle it!

Relationships are definitely one of the hardest things to navigate in life and when they end, we can’t help but compare ourselves to how the other person is handling it.  We want to be able to bounce back quickly and move on like nothing happened.  Much easier said than done, am I right?

There are some key factors that play a huge role in how quickly you move on after a breakup and it’s really important to give yourself the right amount of time to go through them.

Click the video below to discover the one essential step you need to take to be able to fully move on after a breakup!