Monthly Archives: August 2017

California Dreamin’: What is Relaxation?

What is relaxation?

What is relaxation?

Relaxation has always been super challenging for me. Even when I’m on vacation! I always feel like there’s so much to see or do. Anytime I go on a vacation I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation lol.

While I was visiting Santa Barbara California I was very aware of the anxious feeling I had when I wasn’t sure I was going to see everything I wanted to in the span of a day and a half.

I had a little pep talk with myself to remind myself to just chill out and be present. This led to me having some cool unexpected adventures! And you know what? I left feeling relaxed, happy and accomplished. Even if I didn’t check everything off my to-do list.

I hope you enjoy EPS. 02 of my VLOG ‘California Dreamin’: What is Relaxation?’


California Dreamin’: Stepping Into The Unknown 1

California Dreamin': Stepping Into The Unknown

California Dreamin’: Stepping Into The Unknown

I thought I would step outside my comfort zone this week and try something new. I just got back from an adventure in California and decided to vlog about my experience while I was there!

This is the first episode of a 5-part series called “The Life Map: California Dreamin’ ” where I completely let loose, have fun, and share my lessons along the way. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

In this first episode I share why I’m even going to California, how I encountered some airport drama, and how I took a big leap of faith stepping into the unknown in Santa Barbara!


Wishing on Stars

Wishing on Stars

Wishing on Stars

When I was a little girl wishing on stars was a daily occurrence in my life. It’s also where I felt my journey to become a coach first began. That’s why getting up onstage and telling this story was so important to me – as nerve racking as it felt at first.

You see, as I headed into this year I made a promise to myself to get out there and do whatever I could to get more comfortable as a speaker. This somehow evolved into me signing up for a speaking competition! Something I hadn’t done since I was 11 years old.

I ended up being first up to speak and actually surprised myself with how at ease I felt. I felt really good about my speech and I’m honestly not sure how I could have done much better.

But, I didn’t win, I didn’t even place top 4. That’s ok, however, I surprised myself with the feelings that came up with the results. I all of a sudden started to question if I was good enough, if this is the path I’m actually meant to go down, if all my hard work is worth it! Then I started to beat myself up for feeling like a sore loser! What was happening?! This isn’t like me and this certainly goes against everything I preach! Again…here I go being hard on myself.

Self acceptance is one of the hardest things to master in life. Some days I feel like I have it down and other days I’m thrown into situations like this where I start to question my worth.

However, not winning has in some weird way given me a gift – a really uncomfortable one, but one that’s making me grow and acknowledge I still have work to do in certain areas of my life. This is what helps me stay grounded, to remain human, and for that I’m truly grateful.

Today I wanted to share my speech called Wishing on Stars with you as it’s a very personal story to me and one I’m hoping you can relate to.



How My Life Map Is Leading Me To Los Angeles

How My Life Map Is Leading Me To Los Angeles

How My Life Map Is Leading Me To Los Angeles

When I was 15 years old I wrote out my whole life plan, which included me someday living in Los Angeles, California. No, I’m not moving to L.A – not yet anyways, but I can’t help but smile at the fact that somehow my life is still leading me there right now.

This week I head out on one of the biggest adventures of my entrepreneurial career. I’ve been invited to be a guest teacher at an intensive workshop for You Got This Girl, where I get to share my Life Map program!

The way this opportunity came about is actually due to my own Life Map journey and what I call a Life Map moment!

In this weeks video I’m going to share this Life Map story with you, and help you discover some Life Map moments of your own!

If you’re also interested in diving into your Life Map story even deeper, click HERE to download the FREE Life Map Guide!