morning person

5 Healthy Morning Habits to do Before Work

Healthy Morning Habits

Healthy Morning Habits

The morning is a crucial time to fit in some healthy habits because they will help set the tone for the rest of the day.

Accomplishing something and getting yourself in a good mindset before even getting to work helps keep the productivity wheel spinning. Once you’re on that train you’re motivated to keep going because it feels so good!

Your brain is also the most alert in the morning and there tends to be fewer distractions. As your day continues, more tasks usually pop up that requires you to prioritize differently than you normally would need to first thing in the morning.

In this weeks video I share 5 healthy morning habits you can start implementing into your daily routine to make you feel more energized and pumped for the day ahead.


How to Become a Morning Person 1

How to become a morning person

How to become a morning person

I never used to be a morning person. I was that person who hit the snooze button over and over again. Sometimes to the point where it would shut off completely and I would almost be late for work!

However, things have shifted for me quite a bit this past year. Becoming an entrepreneur requires me to work from home a lot, and I found I wasn’t starting my day off right.

I was waking up and rolling right from my bed onto my couch and laptop. I was feeling sluggish and needed something to get my body and mind moving. So I decided to start going to 7am yoga – which is not an easy shift for someone who isn’t a morning person!

When I first decided to do this I felt the need to do it everyday to get in the habit of making this routine stick.  I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to go 5 days a week and I felt if I didn’t do this I would be failing.

In this weeks video I share how I managed to get myself up early and into a routine I feel good about!