personal transformation

How to Gain Clarity in Your Life

How to gain clarity in your life

How to gain clarity in your life

A common theme I hear quite often from people is they lack clarity in their life. Whether it’s to do with their job or in their relationships.

I’ve discovered a few reasons why people struggle so much with this.

For one, people don’t take time to really reflect on their life and think about what they really want in the first place. Deep down they don’t believe they’ll ever discover what it is they truly want so they don’t really bother trying to even figure it out. It’s also challenging for many people to wrap their head around the concept that life is a journey. These days people want answers and they want them now. We don’t have patience with ourselves to venture down that self discovery road. It seems easier just to live each day out – but are you really living if you aren’t truly happy? Is it too much work that you would rather just settle?

There’s also a lot of fear and limiting beliefs that get in the way. If you don’t feel its even possible, then you’re right – it isn’t. But what if it is? You never know unless you open yourself up to the possibilities.

The Life Map is a program that really helps give people clarity about their lives by understanding how their past has shaped them and what fears and limiting beliefs are blocking them for seeing what it really is that they want in life.

Recently I hosted a retreat in Costa Rica where I had the opportunity to take a group of women through the Life Map Program. It was amazing to see the transformations that took place and how they released so many roadblocks!

Check out this weeks video to hear how the Life Map has helped guide these ladies forward.


Making the Impossible Possible: The Soul Adventure Retreat 2017

Life is funny sometimes. I actually catch myself laughing out loud at times when I’m able to witness how seamlessly things fall into place. When I’m able to see clearly how certain things are meant to come together. Lately, I’ve been chuckling at how the first retreat I co-hosted actually became a reality.

About a year ago I received a message on Instagram from a girl I had never met. Her name is Sarah, and she lives on a farm in Costa Rica. She reached out saying she really wanted to host a retreat and was looking for the perfect co-host. I felt so honoured that I had made the cut! After a couple Skype calls we both had a really good feeling about working together and decided to move forward with the planning.

Over the past year we worked at getting all the pieces in place. There were some people I know who were skeptical about us pulling this off, and I’m not going to lie – sometimes I felt that way to. The whole ‘who am I to do something like this’ complex kept creeping in. But when you have a partner to help keep you motivated and accountable it helps!

When we got our first booking that’s when everything started to feel real. The panic we felt was also very real because now we had to make sure we could get enough ladies to come! Luckily everything flowed into place and I truly believe it’s because this retreat was definitely meant to happen.

The bonds that were made, the transformations that took place, and the adventures we embarked on created an unforgettable experience.

Without knowing it, these ladies also gave me a gift. Without them I wouldn’t have known what I’m truly capable of. I wouldn’t have discovered my full potential and realize there’s a leader inside of me that’s been squirming to get out. I want to thank each one of them for their amazing energy and being so open to letting me teach them my Life Map program.

I’m super excited to share the video I created of The Soul Adventure Retreat 2017! I know this is just the beginning of something truly amazing, and I can’t wait to announce the next adventure!

Who’s in?!